SNVS? AES-CBC-128 Key = 82D4EEE9E7F68EFBC43C3D2747E4139F IV = 0000000000000000 Used for: 40000001 (BLNK) AES-CMAC-128 Key = 4C49DC8DF6A20E1592F9E9F7442B4261 Used to generate the AES-CMAC-128 at the start of decrypted 40000001, by digesting the remainder of the decrypted data AES-CBC-128 Key = DB603053A4D3119149996D0BA84434E2 IV = 0000000000000000 Used for: 40000002 (BASE) AES-CMAC-128 Key = B3A8CB797D1406658372A92B6CFB3490 Used to generate the AES-CMAC-128 at the start of decrypted 40000002, by digesting the remainder of the decrypted data